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Writer's pictureJesse Shaw

Mastering Steam Bending Wood: 9 Expert Tips for Your Curved Woodworking Projects

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

Steam bending wood

There's nothing quite like steam bending wood. It is like magic!

I've been steam bending wood for the last two decades and have made some beautiful curves using this process over the years. As a seasoned furniture maker, I'll walk you through nine key tips that will help you master this unique craft.

Tip 1: Selecting the Right Wood

Not all woods are created equal when it comes to steam bending. Choosing the right wood is essential and will greatly influence the outcome of your bend. For successful steam bending, hardwoods are typically more resilient. Woods like Ash, Oak, and Hickory have proven to be the best, other good woods for bending are Walnut, Maple, and Birch. Choose only straight-grain wood as it will be less prone to breakage or cracks during bending. Always prefer air-dried wood over kiln-dried, as the natural moisture content in the former aids in flexibility. It's also essential to meticulously inspect your wood for knots, defects, or irregular grain patterns. These elements will hinder the bending process and lead to unwanted splits or breaks. The beauty of steam bending comes from smooth, uninterrupted curves, so starting with the right piece of timber is paramount.

Best woods for steam bending

Tip 2: The Importance of a Proper Steam Generator

When I first started steam bending wood, I would use a propane tank and a gas flame to heat a customized pressure pot. It would crank out steam into the box and ensure the wood was thoroughly cooked. However, working in schools and group shops didn't allow open flames so I converted to a steam generator. These devices are designed for safety, there are no open flames and they distribute a consistent amount of steam to the box. I use an Earlex steamer now, it's not as powerful as a gas flame but works fine for all my bends.

Steam generator for Woodworking

Tip 3: Building a Proper Steam Box

A properly constructed steam box is vital. The box should be insulated to keep the heat in and should have a tightly fitting lid. I build my steam boxes from 3/4" plywood and copper piping. The steam box plans are straightforward for any woodworking enthusiast. Start by cutting your plywood into six pieces to form the box. Remember to tailor the size of your box to the longest piece of wood you plan on bending. Next, assemble the box using screws, ensuring it's sturdy and sealed to retain steam effectively. For the steam delivery system, use copper piping due to its excellent heat conduction properties. Drill a hole in the bottom of your box and insert your pipe, securing it in place. Connect the other end of your pipe to a steam generator. Inside the box, install a series of dowels or grates to suspend your wood above the pipe, ensuring the steam can circulate evenly. Remember, safety is paramount; ensure the box is sturdy, and always monitor the steaming process to prevent any potential accidents.

illustration how to make a steam box

Tip 4: Steam Timing

A general rule of thumb for steam bending is one hour of steaming per inch of wood thickness. This helps to soften the wood fibers sufficiently for bending. However, be mindful that over-steaming can make the wood too pliable and weaken its structure. Typically, I will steam the wood 15 minutes longer just to be on the safe side. Often, I will have a test piece cooking in the steam box that can be sacrificial.

Tip 5: Rapid, Confident Bending

Once your wood piece is adequately steamed, time is of the essence. You'll need to quickly but carefully move your wood from the steam box to your bending form. The cooler the wood gets, the more it resists bending. The wood will be most pliable within the first 90 seconds of coming out of the box. Make sure you have everything you need nearby and a solid game plan for the bend laid out before coming out of the box.

Steam bending a wood table

Tip 6: Bending Forms and Jigs

A well-crafted bending form or jig is instrumental in achieving precise curves. The form should be designed to create the exact curve you need while giving you the leverage necessary to bend the wood. Secure your wood to the form using straps or clamps to help distribute pressure evenly and prevent splitting.

Tip 7: Steam Bending Wood Needs Patience in Drying

After bending, the wood needs to dry thoroughly before removing it from the form. This can take several days or even weeks, depending on the thickness and type of the wood. Ensure the wood is fully dried to maintain the bend's integrity. When bending many multiple pieces create a drying rack, so that you can bend the wood on the jig and move it to the rack to dry. To speed up the drying process use can make a drying kiln using an insulation board, a hot light, and a timer.

Drying Wood Rack for steam bending

Tip 8: Allow for Spring back

The rule of thumb here is allowing for a 10% spring back in the wood. Often, I will make the curve of the jig 10% more to factor this out ahead of time. Depending on the bend this step may not be necessary or critical for your project.

Tip 9: Taper the Wood for Tight Curves

This is an advanced technique, but important to know. When dealing with odd bends that are tighter-than-usual in diameter, taper the wood to achieve the tighter bend. The thinner the wood the easier to bend. In certain situations for example in steam bending a spiral, tapering the wood slightly will help you achieve this bend as well as make it aesthetically pleasing.

Steam bending wood into a spiral
Steam bending Walnut


Steam bending wood is an art that takes time and patience to master, but the beautiful results are well worth the effort. Remember that each piece of wood is unique and may react differently to the bending process. So, keep experimenting, take detailed notes, and most importantly, enjoy the process. By incorporating these nine tips into your practice, you will be well on your way to mastering the art of steam bending. Happy woodworking!


Disclaimer on Affiliate Links: Some of the tools mentioned in this article are affiliate links, but please know I only recommend tools I truly believe in and trust. There's absolutely no additional cost to you.


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